Pool perfection every time

Computerised water analysis using the Liqua Spin system, this is a cloud based system that is calibrated on a regular basis by the manufacturer giving the correct results on a consistent basis, this will give you the peace of mind that your swimming pool water is safe and healthy to swim in.
We have invested in 2 x instore liqua spin units to speed up the water test process allowing you to have more time beside your pool, we have also purchased 2 x mobile units for our onsite testing to make sure our results are always consistent and correct whether we are instore or infield.
We do all the work, you have all the fun.
We are an independent family business specialising in swimming pool service and advice, we are not tied to a franchise where corporate demand means only supplying a particular brand, we listen to your needs, assess the application and find the right product at the right price, we do however try to support local industry by recommending locally manufactured products where applicable.
We invest in ongoing staff training to make sure the advice you receive is correct and up to date with latest trends and practices.

Reliable service for 100% enjoyment

- Equipment servicing / repair or replacement
- Monthly programmed servicing
- Different levels of contract to suit your needs
- One off pool cleanup
- Green pool cleanup
- Infield mobile water testing/balancing
- Pool repairs/renovations